
Loft Extensions

Residential Architects & Loft Extension

With the needs of growing families, growing hobbies, and growing communities, one increasingly popular home improvement project is the extension of a loft. Extending a loft is a great way to expand your view of the surrounding area, obtain extra living space without obtaining more land, and remake a minor space into a grander one.

Here at KLC Architects in London, UK, our residential architects will take a look at your existing structure and try to work out the possibilities. Then, we’ll sit down with you to collaboratively create a concept for the extension you’re dreaming of to create- ideally- your dream space.

We’ll listen to your ideas, show you an example and concept images, and then create your ideal concept with our computer-generated visualizer which will search for your ideal color, material, angles preferences. When we’re done, we’re sure you’ll like what you see.

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